Dr. Ayman El-Hattab has 10 years’ experience in the field of genetics and metabolics, working in the USA (Baylor College of Medicine and University of Missouri), Saudi Arabia (Consultant at King Fahad Medical City) and the UAE (Tawam Hospital).
He provides clinical evaluation and care for adults and children with genetic and metabolic diseases or who are suspected to have genetic and metabolic diseases. These conditions include:
• Down syndrome and other chromosomal disorders
• Genetic and inherited syndromes
• Birth defects and congenital malformation
• Developmental delay, intellectual disability, and behavioural disorders
• Skeletal dysplasia and growth failure
• Inborn error of metabolism (metabolic disorders)
• Mitochondrial disorders
• Familial hereditary cancers
• Inherited and genetic neurological, endocrine, cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, gastrointestinal, skeletal, dermatological, immunological, and haematological diseases
• Inherited and genetic hearing impairment and eye diseases
• Infertility and recurrent miscarriages
• Intrauterine fetal death and in utero fetal malformation
He also provides genetic counselling for patients and families for:
• Genetic and metabolic diseases
• Carriers of genetic diseases
• Pre-marital genetic screening
• Prevention of inherited genetic diseases
He also undertakes preventative genetics:
• Pre-marital genetic evaluation, screening, testing, and counselling
• Carrier genetic testing and counselling
• Prenatal genetic evaluation, counseling, and testing (e.g. NIPT)
• Genetic evaluation and counseling for preimplantaion genetic diagnosis and screening (PGD/PGS)
Dr. Ayman El-Hattab has been deeply involved in clinical research. He has over 100 publications in scientific journals. He presented large number of abstracts as posters and oral presentations in several international conferences. He also conducted several clinical trials. His field of research chromosomal abnormalities, inborn errors of metabolism (metabolic diseases), mitochondrial disorders, neurogenetic disorders, cancer genetics, and novel gene-disease discovery.
Dubai Healthcare City, Mediclinic City Hospital North Wing, Building 35