Prof. Philippe Neyret received his initial training in Lyon with Albert TRILLAT and being a former pupil of Henri DEJOUR, it was quite natural that in 1988 he devoted his activity on knee surgery. He was the director in Lyon of one the most famous school in Knee Surgery in the world between 1994 and 2017. His name is worldwide recognized.
Prof. Philippe Neyret was nominated professor at the University of Lyon in 1994, and head of the department of orthopaedics surgery. His main activity is clinical. He used to treat an equal number of sports lesions and degenerative pathologies of the knee during his Lyon Career. The many publications, books, CD-Roms reflect this clinical research activity. For his work on the results after meniscectomy, he received the “John Joyce Award” by the International Arthroscopy Association in 1989.
In 1995, Prof. Philippe Neyret participated in the ESSKA-AOSSM “Traveling Fellowship”.
In 2002-2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016, Prof. Philippe Neyret was involved in the organization of the “Journées de Chirurgie du genou” devoted to the athlete’’ knee or/and prosthesis knee.
Prof. Philippe Neyret has actively participated in the journées lyonnaises de chirurgie du genou” since 1987 in Lyon but also in Brazil, Marocco, Tunisia and Algeria. As a professor, he was responsible for four academic national formations in France during 23 years.
In 2013 Prof. Philippe Neyret was the President’guest of the Herodicus society as godfather and invited professor in Hong Kong University, in Columbus University (Ohio) and Kobe University (Japan). He published more than 500 articles) in peer review (about 200 in pubmed or books. He is honorary of prestigious Societies as the Peruvian Society, the German Society; the Portuguese Society, the Chilean Society. He gave 1150 presentations in more than 350 international and 150 national congresses.
Today Prof. Philippe Neyret practices in the Burjeel Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Center (Abu Dhabi).