The information shared do not represent professional medical advice, and it is imperative to seek guidance from a medical professional before applying any information obtained.

Tabidoc is not responsible for confirming the accuracy of ratings or other content posted by users.

Users have the right to mark a review for moderation by the Tabidoc team by clicking the "flag" icon adjacent to the review or by sending an email to support@tabidoc.com.

  • Users will be required to furnish a justification to Tabidoc explaining why a particular review should be retracted (this reason will not be publicly visible).

  • Tabidoc will assess reviews marked for moderation, and if deemed unfit (for instance, due to containing incorrect or outdated details (insofar as the information was outdated at the time the review was written), being defamatory, including accusations of illegal activities, profanity or indecency, breach of privacy, spam, or irrelevant details unrelated to a patient's visit), they will be removed.

  • Tabidoc cannot authenticate a patient's account of private encounters with their healthcare providers or the patient's personal evaluation of such experiences.

  • Tabidoc will not retract reviews solely based on a user's claim of perceived injustice.

Any healthcare provider has the right to claim their profile, free of cost, by clicking the "Claim Doctor Profile" button.

  • Providers who have claimed their profiles have the right to modify the business-related information shown on the profile (for instance, contact details, areas of expertise, accolades, and recognitions).

  • Providers who have claimed their profiles also have the right to respond to any review.

You may access our copyrighted content without any charge, but redistribution, sharing, or selling of this content is strictly prohibited.

You only share accurate, non-defamatory, and relevant ratings and posts.

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Using this website signifies your acceptance of these terms. If you disagree with these terms, you should avoid using this website.
